Expat Wills and Children’s Guardianship
Secure your family and your assets with an expat Will
Wills for Expatriates living in UAE & other Countries.
Did you know the Government of Dubai official website states that UAE courts will adhere to Sharia Law where there is no Will in place?
If you have any money in a bank, savings or you own property in the UAE, making a valid Will that is professionally written and executed, will help protect your family and property, wherever it is situated in the world.

For Example: If you have assets in the UK or your own Home Country and you do not leave a valid expat legal will, there are statutory rules under the laws of the UK or your Home Country (generally called “intestacy rules”) that determine who inherits how much of your estate. However dying without a Will in the UAE is even more of a problem as your assets will definitely be distributed in accordance with Islamic Sharia Law (Islamic Inheritance Laws). This law is very different from most legal systems and has a particular procedure based on a fixed share allocation system for the disbursement of a deceased’s assets to family members.
If you are concerned about what happens to your family and assets, you should most definitely make a expat legal Will and take professional advice on Estate Planning matters. If you do not, you will die intestate (without a Will) and your assets may be disposed of in a way that does not coincide with your wishes. Your family’s problems will be even more complex if you own assets in more than one country, such as UK British Expats owning property in both the UK and Dubai. Dying intestate can also cause prolonged legal battles, to avoid this problem it is better to write your Wills abroad.
In addition your family will be faced with the problem that your Dubai and Abu Dhabi based assets may be frozen due to Dubai Muslim Sharia Law and your bills, debts and mortgage will not die with you. This could leave a great deal of debt unpaid until your estate is finally dealt with by the Dubai Courts based on Shariah Law. Therefore we believe engaging the professional Will writing services of Expat Wills is a very important part of your life planning and will give you and your family peace of mind that your financial affairs are in order
Have questions? Feel free to contact us.

Why you should make an Expat Will now?
- If you die without a legally registered UAE Will, your estate will be administered under Sharia Law
- Assets are frozen immediately until a certificate from the court is gained.
- Without an Expat Will is can take 3 to 10 years to administer your estate.
- Protect your children by nominating Temporary and Permanent Guardians, extremely important!